Our sustainable data center sites

Nordavind Data Center Sites offers shovel-ready sites for medium-sized and hyperscale data centers, with access to renewable hydropower. By establishing a data center in Norway, data-dependent companies can greatly reduce or eliminate carbon emissions.

Data centers based in Norway benefit from stable political and economic conditions, as well as wholesale electricity prices among the lowest in Europe. Additionally, the cold climate ensures efficient cooling and low power consumption.

Most of the sites available from Nordavind are placed in areas dominated by flat terraces built up of sand and gravel, which can reduce construction costs. Moreover, this part of Norway is less susceptible to extreme weather, winds, flooding, landslides and other natural disasters.

At some of the sites, excess heat from the data centers can be reused to heat nearby industry and homes, further enabling companies checking off UN SDGs.

  • Carbon neutral energy from 90 % hydro power and 8,5 % wind power
  • Extremely stable grids: Your data center is supplied by both reliable national feeds and regional production
  • Power costs among the lowest in Europe, and grid cost the lowest in Scandinavia and Europe.
  • At least two independent, international feeds of dark fiber can be provided at all sites.


LocationMW (<6M)MW (18-24M)MW (36-60M)Zoned area m2To OSL airport Latency
Heggvin 01501501.000.0001 h 04 min / 91 km10.4 ms
Grundsetmoen (sold)9100100400.0001 h 10 min / 105 km10.5 ms
Rudshøgda sør (option agreement)9404050.0001 h 28 min / 107 km10.4 ms
Lalm (sold)102510042.0003 h 33 min/ 107 km11.3 ms
Tylldalen1251001.000.0003 h 34 min / 265 km11.3 ms
Slomarka915501.000.0000 h 45 min / 52 km10.1 ms
Grue Industry Park10101030.0001 h 15 min / 95 km10.4 ms
Plassen5102572.0003 h 24 min / 271 km11.4 ms
Åkrestrømmen1101001.500.0002 h 35 min/ 204 km11.2 ms
Krabyskogen991580.0001 h 00 min / 80 km10.3 ms

Data center sites currently available

Site: Lalm

Site for power intense activity.

Site: Rudshøgda sør

Easy deforestation, central in the Mjøsa region.

Site: Slomarka

Relativly flat and suited for construction, close to OSL

Site: Plassen

Central, but rural location.

Site: Grundsetmoen

Large site with access to four independent international dark fibers, and with potential for better grid capacity and connectivity. Good opportunities for re-using excess heat!

Site: Krabyskogen

Close to Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and one of the largest academic information and cyber security environments in Europe.

Site: Grue Industry Park

Big site on river depositions with good connectivity. Industrial zoning ready for construction.

Site: Heggvin

Big site with potential for power supply up to 200 MW with three different providers of dark fiber.

Site: Åkrestrømmen

Spacious site on a glaciofluvial plain. Power supply up to 100 MW.

Site: Tylldalen

Spacious site. Power supply up to 100 MW.

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